Tag Archives: t-shirt

A Couple More Shirt Designs

On sale at my Zazzle shop now, which can be found by clicking the hyperlink in the first half of this sentence or else entering http://www.zazzle.com/snarlahusayn into your search window.

This one here is a quotation from Alf Layla wa Layla aka 1,001 Nights aka Tales of the Arabian Nights. I think it’s a generally useful sentiment: “Don’t ask about what doesn’t concern you, or you might hear what doesn’t please you.” Of course on the t-shirt it’s in Arabic, with English smaller underneath.

Another t-shirt, of which I don’t have a picture, reads in Arabic, “Death before dishonor.” This particular phrase came from a sample of pre-Islamic literature and stuck with me. In Arabic it rhymes. Once again, there’s the Arabic and then the English underneath in smaller letters.

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Filed under arabian, arabic, arabist, language

New T-Shirt Design in Time for the Holidays

Someone in Texas loves you. Now tell the world about it by wearing this t-shirt. It’s mostly in Arabic, so it’s scary and controversial (to xenophobes) and the name of the state is in English, so people can pretty much automatically figure out that it says, “Someone in Texas loves me,” even if they resist knowing any foreign languages.

So far I have shirts for Texas, California, New York, Georgia, Maryland, and Minnesota. A lot more to go, so it might take a while. Let me know what state you want, and I’ll make it. UPDATE: London, Oklahoma, Ohio, Hawaii, Vermont, Florida, Arizona, Pennsylvania, and Second Life now available.

Shirts and a whole bunch of other stuff available at my Zazzle store. Click on this! It takes you there.


Filed under arabic, arabist, miscellaneous

Finally, Mug Available. Shirts, Too

zubayr tee shirt black

UPDATE: if you saw this before about noon on Monday, you saw a version that had a typo in the Arabic. It is fixed now and the faulty products have been removed and good ones are there in their place. The picture below shows the real picture.

Buy the shirt and other stuff HERE at my Zazzle store.

A good friend of mine nudged me to get off my lazy butt (figuratively, ’cause I was on my butt the whole time) and create another product for my Zazzle store.
Here it is, my Sheikh Zubayr coffee mug. Click on the link to go to my store.

Soon I hope to have a photo of a lovely model using one for his morning coffee with rice milk.

This is the image that appears on the mug. I expect to have a bigger version for use on a fabulous tee shirt later this week.

shakespeare no typo _449x600

The mug also says “Sheikh Zubayr” in English so your friends will get the joke.
Or visit my store on the tab that says “Stuff to Buy.” No pressure.

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Filed under arab, arabian, arabic, art

Buy a T-Shirt! Or Don’t, No Pressure

My Zazzle store is up and running. So far I only have nerdy grammar shirts written in English, but I will make some Arabic ones as soon as I can figure out a good way to create a design in Arabic that’s both big enough and high-resolution enough to make a decent product.

I’ll also paint something eventually. If you have ideas, please let me know.

And if you’re a friend of mine, do not feel obligated to buy anything. I don’t expect any of these to be big sellers.

Wordscape doesn’t allow me to post my store’s flash window, and it’s kind of impossible to save an image of the tee shirt (as far as I can tell), but the first tee shirt says, “Quadriliterals don’t play by the rules.” A sure icebreaker next time you’re on a crowded bus.

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Filed under arabic, arabist, language, miscellaneous