Tag Archives: Taliban

“He Looks Like a Muslim”

I hope we don’t all get whiplash, but suddenly we’re supposed to dislike beards. And if you have a full beard, you look like the Taliban.



Quick quiz: is the above an American icon or a terrible turncoat no-good traitor who is probably a *gasp* Muslim?



How about this one?

Okay, so remember: now we all hate beards, as they prove that you are a member of the Taliban.

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Filed under bigoted idiots, movies and shows, Stupidity

Herman Cain: Taliban Running Libya

Non-reader Herman Cain reinforces his dictum that a president doesn’t need to know about foreign policy by positing the notion that the Taliban is now running Libya.
This is couched, of course, as a rhetorical question. Nobody will ever figure out that strategy, right?

Yahoo News story here

“Do I agree with siding with the opposition? Do I agree with saying that (Libyan leader Moammar) Gadhafi should go? Do I agree that they now have a country where you’ve got Taliban and al-Qaida that’s going to be part of the government?” Cain asked reporters in Orlando. “Do I agree with not knowing the government was going to — which part was he asking me about? I was trying to get him to be specific and he wouldn’t be specific.”

The United States invaded Afghanistan to overthrow the al-Qaida-harboring Taliban after the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks. The Taliban were ousted from power in Afghanistan and are now scattered in Afghanistan and Pakistan.

There is no evidence the Taliban are rising to power in Libya, a continent away.

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